Category: Uncategorized
Focus on the NEGATIVE.
Focus on the NEGATIVE..
Make-it-a- Meal Hearty Miso Soup with Ginger, Corn, and Tofu
Make-it-a- Meal Hearty Miso Soup with Ginger, Corn, and Tofu.
Hemp Facts
Food For Health
I feel happy now after chat with my lovely niece Alika in Perth. I miss her so much and it gave me nice feeling after chat with her. And I am also happy to know that Facetime worked today. Tried to chat a few days ago with my Brother as I wanted to see Alika […]
15 Fruits You Can Regrow From Scratch
I found a picture and information on my friend’s facebook about growing fruits from scratch. Very interesting and I want to try it myself soonest I am home. Here is the details. With patience you can have fresh pineapples indoors. Food is almost free when grown from seed and is free when grown from saved […]
Mutti’s Potato Salad
Mutti’s Potato Salad.
Health Benefits of Celery
A. J. Reb Materi once said that “So many people spend their health in gaining wealth, & then have to spend their wealth to regain their health”. Don’t you think we all do this in one or other way? That’s why I thought that we must go for some herbs or plant therapy to gain […]
Facts About Plants
1. Bamboo Palm: According to NASA, it removes formaldahyde and is also said to act as a natural humidifier. 2. Snake Plant: Found by NASA to absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde. 3. Areca Palm: One of the best air purifying plants for general air cleanliness. 4. Spider Plant: Great indoor plant for removing carbon monoxide […]