Year: 2013

  • What a Monday…

    I feel better now after I wrote what I feel, by doing this it seems like I see him from both side. I see the comparison between his bad and positive side of him in my life. Helping me with all my activities, either house hold and my quilting business is truly a blessing.

  • ANZA House Jakarta Quilt Display

    ANZA House Jakarta Quilt Display

    Some of my quilts collections are displayed at ANZA House Jakarta since May 16, 2013. Here are the pictures of them on display.

  • French Braid Quilt

    A friend of mine from AWA Jakarta asked me to make a quilt to welcome her child. She gave me hundreds piece of fabrics in different sizes and colors to make this quilt. She got all these fabrics from all of her friends. It is a tradition in her home town culture (France, Europe) that whenever a woman expecting a child, all of her friends will give her a piece of fabric to welcome the child. It took me almost 2 months to figure out what pattern will suit these load of beautiful fabrics. Because some of the pieces shouldn’t be cut. Finally I found French Braid pattern but I made some modification to it and here is the picture of the quilt. Hope she will like it. I crossed my fingers to hear the news from her… 🙂

  • CRAFINA EXHIBITION – Jakarta, 12 – 16 December 2012

    These pictures taken at CRAFINA Exhibition in Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Indonesia. It was in December 12 – 16, 2012. This exhibition was Simply the Best Quilt’s debut. In this exhibition Simply the Best Quilt showcased 70 quilts of it’s collection. It turned out to be a good exhibition for Simply the Best Quilt’s Team.

  • Gallery


    Here are some quilt pictures from Simply the Best Quilts collection. Our product range includes all size bed cover, Baby Quilt, Wall Hanging, T-Shirt Quilt, Memory Quilt, Prayer Rugs, Tote Bags, Purse, Pillow cases and many more.

  • Quilts from Pinterest

    Quilts from Pinterest

    [alpine-phototile-for-pinterest src=”board” uid=”heninglawson” board=”quilt” imgl=”pinterest” dlstyle=”medium” style=”gallery” row=”4″ grwidth=”800″ grheight=”600″ size=”192″ num=”8″ curve=”1″ max=”100″]

  • Hello everyone… :-)

    Hello everyone… 🙂

    It’s been a while since the last time I wrote and updated my blog. I have been busy with quilt making, joined a craft exhibition in Jakarta last December made me swam in my workshop and didn’t have time to play around with my computer to write something 🙂 Usually, the time I finished with […]